Thursday, December 16, 2010

Did you know there are two ways to flush a toilet

If you have an old toilet (about 20 years) flush by pushing the handle down once and let it go.  If you have a new toilet, flush by holding the handle down until water starts flowing into the bowl.  I have one of each kind and the new one kept getting clogged up.  The Roter-Rooter man told me to do it this way and that I was using the wrong toilet paper.  He suggested Angel Soft or Scot's.  I have been using Angel Soft for about three years and haven't had another clog.  Before that I had three clogs in four months.  The neighbors thought I had something going on with the Roter-Rooter man.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Did you know that un-ripe tomatoes that go in the refrigerator will never get any riper.  Keep them in the sack or plastic bag at room temperature until they are ripe (red but not squishy) then put them in the refrigerator or better yet eat them at room temperature - much better.

Wrinkles - no, not on my face

Did you know that a mixture of white vinegar and water (about 1/2 & 1/2) sprayed on a wrinkle and ironed will more or less permanently get the wrinkle out.  Also works for setting creases in slacks and anywhere you want a permanent crease.